- Joy comes first

Přívětická runda 12km and 4,5km

Runda 2024_uvodni

Come and play sports with us on New Year's Eve!

Come to enjoy the end of the year in a sporting and cultural way with us and put the last day of 2024 into your body! We invite you to the Přívětická runda, where you can choose from two circuits. As part of the main 12km route, you will see the famous Radeč transmitter.

  • Excellent catering, toilets, registration and warm facilities can be found in the community hall in our Přívětická hospoda (pub).
  • You can run or ride a bike
  • Children's races
  • Prize Money for the first fastest on the main track
  • Medals, diplomas, prizes
  • Olympian Ondřej Cink at the start
  • you can view photos from last year here
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